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Salima Ikram, André J. Veldmeijer &
Schütze, Alexander, Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Schipper, Bernd U.
Schneider, Thomas, University of British Columbia
Schneider, Thomas, University of British Columbia (United States)
Schneider, Thomas
Scott, Christina W.M.
Shai, Itzhaq, Ariel University
Siddal, Luisl Robert, School of Oriental and African Studies, the University of London (United States)
Siddall, Luis Robert, School of Oriental and African Studies, the University of London and Macquarie University, Sydney
Sidebotham, Steven E., University of Delaware
Skinner, Marilyn B., The University of Arizona
Smith, Joanna S., Princeton University (United States)
Smith, Stuart T., Department of Anthropology, University of California— Santa Barbara (United States)
Smith, Stuart Tyson, The University of Arizona (United States)
Smoláriková, Květa, Czech Institute of Egyptology, Charles University Prague (United States)
Sowada, Karin, Macquarie University
Sparks, Rachael Thyrza, University College, London (United Kingdom)
Spencer, Neal, The University of Arizona (United States)
Staff, Editorial
Staff, JAEI
Staff, JAEI, The University of Arizona
Staff, JAEI, The University of Arizona (United States)
Staff, JAEI Editorial
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