The University of Arizona

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Franzmeier, Henning, Freie Universität Berlin


Galili, Ehud, Israel Antiquities Authority and Zinman Institute of Archaeology, University of Haifa (Israel)
Gasperini, Valentina, University of Liverpool (United States)
Gatto, Maria Carmela, The University of Arizona (United States)
Gatto, Antonio Curci and Alberto Urcia, Maria Carmela, University of Leicester, University of Bologna, Yale University
Görg, Manfred, University of Munich (Germany)
German, Senta, Department of Classics, Montclair University
Girty, Gary H., Department of Geological Sciences, San Diego State University (United States)
Golani, Amir, Israel Antiquities Authority (Israel)
Goldwasser, Orly
Goldwasser, Orly, Hebrew University, Jerusalem (United States)
Gordon, Andrew Hunt
Goyette, Michael, e Graduate Center of the City University of New York
Gregory, Steven R. W. (United States)
Gregory, Steven R. W., University of Birmingham
Gregory Mumford, Sarah Parcak &, The University of Alabama at Birmingham


Hameeuw, Hendrik, Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels University of Leuven, Faculty of Arts—Near Eastern Studies
Hamilton, M. Colleen, Applied Earthworks, Inc.
Harcourt-Smith, William
Hartung, Ulrich, German Archaeological Institute Cairo
Hasel, Michael G., Institute of Archaeology, Southern Adventist University
Hays, Christopher B., Fuller Theological Seminary
Hays, Christopher B.
Höflmayer, Felix, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Höflmayer, Felix, Institute for Oriental and European Archaeology, Austrian Academy of Sciences

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