The University of Arizona

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Bassir, Hussein, Grand Egyptian Museum, Giza
Bauschatz, John, University of Arizona
Ben-Dor Evian, Shirly, Israel Museum, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv University
Ben-Tor, Daphna, Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Ben-Tor, Daphna, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Ben-Tor, Daphne, The Israel Museum (Israel)
Bestock & Christian Knoblauch, Laurel, Brown University & University of Vienna
Betancourt, Philip P., Temple University
Betancourt, Phillip P., Temple University
Bizzarri, Claudio, Fondazione per il Museo C. Faina (Italy)
Blake, Emma, The University of Arizona
Blakolmer, Fritz, University of Vienna
Board, Editorial
Boschloos, Vanessa, Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels Archaeology Department, Ghent University
Boschloos, Vanessa, Brussels, Royal Museum of Art and History
Boschloos, Vanessa
Brand, Meredith, University of Toronto
Breier, Idan, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Budin, Stephanie L., University of Oregon
Burke, Aaron A., Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at the University of California, Los Angeles


Cadogan, Gerald, Culworth, U.K. (United Kingdom)
Campbell, James Elliott, University of Toronto (Canada)
Campbell, James Elliott, The University of Toronto (Canada)
Capriotti Vittozzi, Giuseppina, National Research Council of Italy
Capriotti Vittozzi, Giuseppina, National Research Council of Italy, Institute for the Study on Italic and Ancient Mediterranean Civilization

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