The University of Arizona

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Issue Title
Vol 38, No 1 (1996) The Development of a Gas △E-Position Sensitive Detector for AMS Studies Abstract
N. Funaya, T. Baba, N. Miyazaki, T. Takahashi, T. Kaikura, R. Seki, K. Furuno, Y. Nagashima
Vol 28, No 2A (1986) The development of practical systems for (super 14) C measurement in small samples using miniature counters. Details
R L Otlet, George Huxtable, D W Sanderson
Vol 54, No 3–4 (2012) The Dolmen Kolikho, Western Caucasus: Isotopic Investigation of Funeral Practice and Human Mobility Abstract
V A Trifonov, G I Zaitseva, J van der Plicht, N D Burova, E S Bogomolov, A A Sementsov, O V Lokhova
Vol 40, No 2 (1998) The early history of Moscow; (super 14) C dates from Red Square. Abstract
Alexander L Alexandrovskiy, Johannes van der Plicht, Nikolay Krenke, Olga A Chichagova, Nikolai N Kovaliukh, Leopold D Sulerzhitsky
Vol 49, No 2 (2007) The Early Medieval Origin of Perth, Scotland Abstract
D W Hall, G T Cook, M A Hall, G P Muir, D Hamilton, E M Scott
Vol 55, No 2–3 (2013) The Early to Late Paleolithic Transition in Korea: A Closer Look Abstract   PDF
Christopher Bae, Kidong Bae, Jong Chan Kim
Vol 40, No 1 (1998) The effect of a succession of ocean ventilation changes on (super 14) C. Abstract
Thomas F Stocker, Daniel G Wright
Vol 22, No 2 (1980) The Effect of Anthropogenic CO2 and 14C Sources on the Distribution of 14C in the Atmosphere Abstract
Ingeborg Levin, K 0 Miinnich, Wolfgang Weiss
Vol 27, No 2B (1985) The effect of atmospheric (super 14) C variations on the (super 14) C levels in the Jordan River system. Details
Israel Carmi, M Stiller, Aaron Kaufman
Vol 22, No 2 (1980) The Effect of Fossil Fuel and Biogenic CO, on the 13C and 14C Content of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Abstract
W G Mook
Vol 33, No 2 (1991) The effect of microbial respiration of reaction-path modeling of groundwater ages. Details
E M Murphy
Vol 49, No 2 (2007) The Effect of N2O, Catalyst, and Means of Water Vapor Removal on the Graphitization of Small CO2 Samples Abstract
A M Smith, Vasilii V Petrenko, Quan Hua, John Southon, Gordon Brailsford
Vol 52, No 3 (2010) The Effect of Storage on the Radiocarbon, Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopic Signatures and Concentrations of Riverine DOM Abstract   PDF
P Gulliver, S Waldron, E M Scott, C L Bryant
Vol 38, No 2 (1996) The effect of tillage on soil organic matter using (super 14) C; a case study. Details
Randye L Rutberg, David S Schimel, Irena Hajdas, Wallace S Broecker
Vol 28, No 2A (1986) The effects of contamination of calcareous sediments on their radiocarbon ages. Details
Dusan Srdoc, Nada Horvatincic, Bogomil Obelic, Bronic Ines Krajcar, Malley Peg O
Vol 51, No 3 (2009) The Effects of Possible Contamination on the Radiocarbon Dating of the Dead Sea Scrolls II: Empirical Methods to Remove Castor Oil and Suggestions for Redating Abstract   PDF
Kaare Lund Rasmussen, Johannes van der Plicht, Gregory Doudna, Frederik Nielsen, Peter Hojrup, Erling Halfdan Stenby, Carl Th Pedersen
Vol 43, No 1 (2001) The effects of possible contamination on the radiocarbon dating of the Dead Sea Scrolls; I, Castor oil. Abstract
Kaare L Rasmussen, Johannes van der Plicht, Frederick H Cryer, Gregory Doudna, Frank M Cross, John Strugnell
Vol 52, No 2 (2010) The Effects of Rainfall on Carbon Isotopes of POC in the Teshio River, Northern Japan Abstract   PDF
T Aramaki, Y-H Nakamura, M Uchida, Y Shibata
Vol 57, No 1 (2015) The End of a Hundred-Year-Old Archaeological Riddle: First Dating of the Columns Tomb of Kumbi Saleh (Mauritania) Abstract
Chloé Capel, Antoine Zazzo, Jean-François Saliège, Jean Polet
Vol 49, No 2 (2007) The End of Empire: New Radiocarbon Dates from the Ayacucho Valley, Peru, and Their Implications for the Collapse of the Wari State Abstract
Brian Clifton Finucane, J Ernesto Valdez, Ismael Perez Calderon, Cirilo Vivanco Pomacanchari, Lidio M Valdez, Tamsin O'Connell
Stephen Bourke, Ugo Zoppi, John Meadows, Quan Hua, Samantha Gibbins
Vol 40, No 1 (1998) The Erlangen AMS facility and its applications in (super 14) C sediment and bone dating. Abstract
W Kretschmer, G Anton, M Benz, S Blasche, G Erler, E Finckh, L Fischer, H Kerscher, A Kotva, M Klein, M Leigart, G Morgenroth, H Kuester
Vol 28, No 2A (1986) The ETH/ SIN dating facility; a status report. Details
Georges Bonani, Hans Jakob Hofmann, Elvezio Morenzoni, Marzio Nessi, Martin Suter, Willy Woelfli
Vol 34, No 2 (1992) The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Kiel University Announces Details
Editorial Board
Vol 49, No 2 (2007) The Feasibility of Using Melanopsis Shells as Radiocarbon Chronometers, Lake Kinneret, Israel Abstract
Lilach Lev, Elisabetta Boaretto, Joseph Heller, Shmuel Marco, Mordechai Stein
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