The University of Arizona


Issue Title
Vol 20, No 3 (May 1967) Grazing of Alfalfa Varieties and Observation on Bloat.  PDF
R. Ashford, D.H. Heinrichs
Vol 18, No 6 (November 1965) Reindeer Ranching in Fennoscandia.  PDF
G.W. Scotter
Vol 14, No 6 (November 1961) Cattle and Timber in South Florida.  PDF
E.R. Felton
Vol 12, No 5 (September 1959) Implementing a Year-Round Forage Program in California.  PDF
A.T. Spencer
Vol 10, No 6 (1957) Balancing Livestock with Range Forage and Harvested Feed in South Dakota.  PDF
B. DeJong, L.,. DeJong
Vol 9, No 5 (September 1956) Factors Affecting the Nutritive Value of Range Forage.  PDF
K. Oelberg
Vol 6, No 4 (July 1953) Forage Plants in a Montana High Altitude Nursery.  PDF
R.A. Peterson
Vol 3, No 3 (July 1950) A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Seeding Abandoned Farm Land to Crested Wheatgrass by the Preparatory Crop Method.  PDF
E.E. Meik
Vol 52, No 4 (July 1999) Botanical composition of cattle and vizcacha diets in central Argentina. Abstract  PDF
E.E. Bontti, R.M. Boo, L.I. Lindstrom, O.R. Elia
Vol 51, No 5 (September 1998) Spring defoliation effects on bluebunch wheatgrass. II. Basal area. Abstract  PDF
P.E. Clark, W.C. Krueger, L.D. Bryant, D.R. Thomas
Vol 49, No 2 (March 1996) Cutting height effects on wetland meadow forage yield and quality. Abstract  PDF
R.L. Dovel
Vol 45, No 6 (November 1992) Vegetation differences in desert shrublands of western Utah's Pine Valley between 1933 and 1989. Abstract  PDF
T.P. Yorks, N.E. West, K.M. Capels
Vol 44, No 6 (November 1991) Spatial components of plant-herbivore interactions in pastoral, ranching, and native ungulate ecosystems. Abstract  PDF
M.B. Coughenour
Vol 41, No 6 (November 1988) Stability of grazed patches on rough fescue grasslands.  PDF
W.D. Willms, J.F. Dormaar, G.B. Schaalje
Vol 40, No 6 (November 1987) Factors affecting dietary preferences for genotypes of a hybrid wheatgrass.  PDF
D.R. Truscott, P.O. Currie
Vol 40, No 1 (January 1987) Elk, mule deer, and cattle habitats in central Arizona.  PDF
M.C. Wallace, P.R. Krausman
Vol 38, No 6 (November 1985) Effects of clipping on burned and unburned creeping bluestem.  PDF
R.S. Kalmbacher, F.G. Martin, W.S. Terry, D.H. Hunter, L.D. White
Vol 38, No 1 (January 1985) Nutrient removal rates from ruminoreticula of cattle grazing Kansas Flint Hills Range.  PDF
J.R. Forwood, C.E. Owensby, G. Towne
Vol 21, No 3 (May 1968) Grazing Profiles in Aegean Turkey.  PDF
W.L. Pringle, D.R. Cornelius
Vol 18, No 2 (March 1965) Dietary Chemical Composition of Cattle and Sheep Grazing in Common on a Dry Annual Range.  PDF
G.M. Van Dyne, H.F. Heady
Vol 11, No 5 (September 1958) Diet and Grazing Habits of Steers on Foothill Range Fertilized with Sulfur.  PDF
L.R. Green, J.R. Wagnon
Vol 10, No 3 (May 1957) Differential Effect of Herbage Removal on Range Species.  PDF
H.M. Laude, R.M. Kadish
Vol 7, No 4 (July 1954) A Variation of Deferred Rotation Grazing for Use under Southwest.  PDF
L.B. Merrill
Vol 5, No 6 (November 1952) Storing Rainfall at the Grass Roots.  PDF
B. Osborn
Vol 4, No 3 (May 1951) Paille Fine.  PDF
R.E. Williams
476 - 500 of 500 Items << < 15 16 17 18 19 20 

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