The University of Arizona

Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

The Journal of Methods and Measurement in the Social Sciences (JMM) publishes articles related to methodology and research design, measurement, and data analysis. The journal is published twice yearly, and features theoretical, empirical, and educational articles.

JMM is meant to further our understanding of methodology and how to formulate the right questions.  It is broadly concerned with improving the methods used to conduct research, the measurement of variables used in the social sciences, and improving the applications of data analysis.  In addition to research articles, JMM welcomes instructional articles and brief reports or commentaries. We welcome sound, original contributions.

ISSN: 2159-7855


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Editorial Personnel

The Editors are assisted by an Executive Editorial Board composed of distinguished scholars. In this way, JMM is well-equipped to provide a solid publication platform for contributions to methods, measurement, and data analysis.  Furthermore, the online nature of JMM carries a number of advantages. While online periodicals are relatively new in methodology, measurement, and data analysis, they are not new in many fields of scientific endeavor where their advantages have become obvious. Not only does JMM's online format enable rapid publication of articles, reviews, and reports, it also enables the retrieval of JMM articles from any Internet-connected computer, in far less time than printed sources can usually be retrieved.  The Journal of Methods and Measurement in the Social Sciences is an open access journal.  A Guide for Contributors for JMM is available for download. Submissions and editorial queries should be sent to the Editors at