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Kaiser, Luke
Krause, Elizabeth L.
Krause, Elizabeth L, University of Arizona (United States)
Leckman, Phil
Loftsdóttir, Kristín, University of Iceland
Lomawaima, Hartman
London, Scott
Longacre, William, University of Arizona
Loveless, Erana, University of Arizona
Lyons, Patrick
MacFarland, Kathryn, University of Arizona
MacFarland, Kathryn
MacLellan, Jessica
MacPhee, Marybeth, University of Arizona (United States)
Mandache, Luminiţa-Anda, School of Anthropology, University of Arizona
Manthei, Jennifer J
Marks, Jon
Marks, Jon, University of Arizona (United States)
Martínez, James
Mathwich, Nicole
Matter, Front
McCarty, Teresa L., Arizona State University
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