The University of Arizona

Author Details

Duplessy, Jean Claude

  • Vol 28, No 2A (1986) - Articles
    Measurement of (super 14) C directly from CO (sub 2) usting a Tandetron accelerator mass spectrometer facility.
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  • Vol 31, No 3 (1989) - Articles
    (super 14) C dating with the Gif-sur-Yvette tandetron accelerator; status report and study of isotopic fractionation in the sputter ion source.
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  • Vol 31, No 3 (1989) - Articles
    AMS (super 14) C study of transient events and of the ventilation rate of the Pacific intermediate water during the last deglaciation.
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  • Vol 31, No 3 (1989) - Articles
    Bomb (super 14) C in the Indian Ocean measured by accelerator mass spectrometry; oceanographic implications.
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  • Vol 33, No 2 (1991) - Articles
    Sapropel chronology and Nile River discharge during the Holocene.
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  • Vol 41, No 1 (1999) - Articles
    Oceanic radiocarbon between Antarctica and South Africa along WOCE Section 16 at 30 degrees .
    Abstract  PDF