The University of Arizona

Author Details

Beck, J Warren

  • Vol 38, No 1 (1996) - Articles
    Status of the NSF-Arizona AMS laboratory.
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  • Vol 38, No 1 (1996) - Articles
    A radiocarbon calibration during the last deglaciation based on TIMS (super 230) Th ages of AMS (super 14) C dated corals from Vanuatu, New Hebrides.
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  • Vol 49, No 1 (2007) - Articles
    Disentangling Geomagnetic and Precipitation Signals in an 80-kyr Chinese Loess Record of 10Be
    Abstract  PDF
  • Vol 40, No 3 (1998) - Articles
    A high-resolution radiocarbon calibration between 11,700 and 12,400 calendar years BP derived from (super 230) Th ages of corals from Espiritu Santo Island, Vanuatu.
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  • Vol 44, No 3 (2002) - Articles
    Preliminary Report of the First Workshop of the IntCal04 Radiocarbon Calibration/Comparison Working Group
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