The University of Arizona

Author Details

Shen, C D

  • Vol 46, No 1 (2004) - Articles
    (super 10) Be, (super 14) C distribution, and soil production rate in a soil profile of a grassland slope at Heshan Hilly Land, Guangdong
    Abstract  PDF
  • Vol 55, No 2–3 (2013) - Articles
    Quantification of Sedimentary Organic Carbon Storage and Turnover of Tidal Mangrove Stands in Southern China Based on Carbon Isotopic Measurements
    Abstract  PDF
  • Vol 55, No 2–3 (2013) - Articles
    Fossil-Fuel-Derived CO2 Contribution to the Urban Atmosphere in Guangzhou, South China, Estimated by 14CO2 Observation, 2010–2011
    Abstract  PDF
  • Vol 55, No 2–3 (2013) - Articles
    14C and 10Be in Dust Deposited During the Storm of 16–17 April 2006 in Beijing
    Abstract  PDF