The University of Arizona


Issue Title
Vol 8, No 2 (March 1955) Forage Production and Utilization in Long-leaf Pine Forests of South Mississippi.  PDF
L.F. Smith, C.F. Campbell
Vol 57, No 3 (2004) Patch burning effects on grazing distribution Abstract  PDF
Lance T. Vermeire, Robert B. Mitchell, Samuel D. Fuhlendorf, Robert L. Gillan
Vol 56, No 1 (January 2003) Lessons in developing successful invasive weed control programs. Abstract  PDF
G.L. Anderson, E.S. Delfosse, N.R. Spencer, C.W. Prosser, R.D. Richard
Vol 55, No 2 (March 2002) Day and night grazing by cattle in the Sahel. Abstract  PDF
A.A. Ayantunde, S. Fernandez-Rivera, P.H. Hiernaux, H. van. Keulen, H.M.J. Udo
Vol 54, No 4 (July 2001) Economic analysis of using sheep to control leafy spurge. Abstract  PDF
D.A. Bangsund, D.J. Nudell, R.S. Sell, F.L. Leistritz
Vol 53, No 4 (July 2000) Evaluating breeding seasons for cows grazing winter range and bahiagrass. Abstract  PDF
F. Pate, R. Kalmbacher, F. Martin
Vol 49, No 4 (July 1996) Leafy spurge and grass response to picloram and intensive grazing. Abstract  PDF
J.R. Lacey, R.L. Sheley
Vol 6, No 1 (January 1953) Management of Reseeded Range and its Place in Ranch Operation.  PDF
H.B. Passey, D.S. Winn
Vol 4, No 3 (May 1951) Bluestem Range in the Piney Woods of Louisiana and East Texas.  PDF
J.T. Cassady
Vol 55, No 4 (July 2002) Fingerprint composition of seedling root exudates of selected grasses. Abstract  PDF
J.F. Dormaar, B.C. Tovell, W.D. Willms
Vol 54, No 2 (March 2001) Economics and demographics constrain investment in Utah private grazing lands. Abstract  PDF
R. Peterson, D.L. Coppock
Vol 50, No 2 (March 1997) Leafy spurge control with angora goats and herbicides. Abstract  PDF
R.G. Lym, K.K. Sedivec, D.R. Kirby
Vol 47, No 2 (March 1994) Cattle preference for 4 wheatgrass taxa. Abstract  PDF
T.A. Jones, M.H. Ralphs, D.C. Nielson
Vol 9, No 6 (November 1956) Conservation Ranching in the Edwards Plateau Region of Texas.  PDF
J.M. Vander Stucken, E.B. Brockman
Vol 5, No 4 (July 1952) Mountain Range Management and Improvement in Greece.  PDF
P. Margaropoulos
Vol 56, No 4 (July 2003) Utilization and grazing distribution of cattle at 4 stocking densities. Abstract  PDF
F.R. Burboa-Cabrera, W.H. Schacht, B.E. Anderson
Vol 54, No 4 (July 2001) Practical measures for reducing risk of alfalfa bloat in cattle. Abstract  PDF
W. Majak, J.W. Hall, T.A. McAllister
Vol 53, No 6 (November 2000) Stubble height as a tool for management of riparian areas. Abstract  PDF
W.P. Clary, W.C. Leininger
Vol 53, No 1 (January 2000) Breed and stocking rate effects on Chihuahuan Desert cattle production. Abstract  PDF
J.A. Winder, C.C. Bailey, M. Thomas, J. Holechek
Vol 51, No 4 (July 1998) Diet selection by sheep and goats on Mediterranean heath-woodland range. Abstract  PDF
J. Bartolome, J. Franch, J. Plaixats, N.G. Seligman
Vol 49, No 6 (November 1996) Increasing utilization efficiency of continuously stocked Old World bluestem pasture. Abstract  PDF
W.R. Teague, S.L. Dowhower, W.E. Pinchak, D.R. Tolleson, L.J. Hunt
Vol 47, No 6 (1994) Grazing intensity effects on litter decomposition and soil nitrogen mineralization. Abstract  PDF
A.R. Shariff, M.E. Biondini, C.E. Grygiel
Vol 46, No 6 (November 1993) Early season utilization of mountain meadow riparian pastures. Abstract  PDF
W.P. Clary, G.D. Booth
Vol 44, No 4 (July 1991) Multiple use of public rangeland: antelope and stocker cattle in Wyoming. Abstract  PDF
C.T. Bastian, J.J. Jacobs, L.J. Held, M.A. Smith
Vol 16, No 5 (September 1963) Determining Equitable Grazing Fees for Washington Department of Natural Resources Land.  PDF
G.A. Harris, W.R. Hoffman
151 - 175 of 500 Items << < 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 > >> 

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