The University of Arizona


Issue Title
Vol 44, No 3 (May 1991) Grazing systems, stocking rates, and cattle behavior in southeastern Wyoming. Abstract  PDF
K.W. Hepworth, P.S. Test, R.H. Hart, J.W. Waggoner, M.A. Smith
Vol 55, No 3 (May 2002) Steer nutritional response to intensive-early stocking on shortgrass rangeland. Abstract  PDF
K.C. Olson, J.R. Jaeger, J.R. Brethour, T.B. Avery
Vol 54, No 4 (July 2001) Low density of prickly acacia under sheep grazing in Queensland. Abstract  PDF
F. Tiver, M. Nicholas, D. Kriticos, J.R. Brown
Vol 42, No 4 (July 1989) Some effects of a rotational grazing treatment on cattle grazing behavior.  PDF
J.W. Walker, R.K. Heitschmidt
Vol 4, No 1 (January 1951) Studies of Rotation Grazing in the Southeast.  PDF
H.H. Biswell
Vol 46, No 1 (January 1993) Grazing systems, pasture size, and cattle grazing behavior, distribution and gains. Abstract  PDF
R.H. Hart, J. Bissio, M.J. Samuel, J.W. Waggoner
Vol 43, No 5 (September 1990) Effects of herbage allowance on defoliation patterns of tallgrass prairie.  PDF
H.P. Jensen, R.L. Gillen, F.T. McCollum
Vol 53, No 4 (July 2000) Herbage volume per animal: a tool for rotational grazing management. Abstract  PDF
M. Duru, H. Ducrocq, L. Bossuet
Vol 55, No 3 (May 2002) Risk management to reduce livestock losses from toxic plants. Abstract  PDF
J.A. Pfister, F.D. Provenza, K.E. Panter, B.L. Stegelmeier, K.L. Launchbaugh
Vol 44, No 2 (March 1991) Plant community responses to short duration grazing in tallgrass prairie. Abstract  PDF
R.L. Gillen, F.T. McCollum, M.E. Hodges, J.E. Brummer, K.W. Tate
Vol 44, No 5 (September 1991) Effects of seasonal rest in aboveground biomass for a native grassland of the flood Pampa, Argentina. Abstract  PDF
L.G. Hidalgo, M.A. Cauhepe
Vol 14, No 2 (March 1961) Continuous Versus Repeated-Seasonal Grazing of Grass-Alfalfa Mixtures at Swift Current, Saskatchewan.  PDF
J.B. Campbell
Vol 20, No 6 (November 1967) Discovering Grazing Values.  PDF
N.K. Roberts
Vol 55, No 6 (November 2002) Influence of grazing on channel morphology of intermittent streams. Abstract  PDF
M.R. George, R.E. Larsen, N.K. McDougald, K.W. Tate, J.D. Gerlach, K.O. Fulgham
Vol 53, No 4 (July 2000) Fire and cattle grazing on wintering sparrows in Arizona grasslands. Abstract  PDF
C.E. Gordon
Vol 43, No 2 (March 1990) Tiller defoliation patterns under short duration grazing in tallgrass prairie. Abstract  PDF
R.L. Gillen, F.T. McCollum, J.E. Brummer
Vol 19, No 6 (November 1966) Water Intake and Runoff as Affected by Intensity of Grazing.  PDF
F. Rauzi, C.L. Hanson
Vol 56, No 4 (July 2003) Sustainability of Inner Mongolian grasslands: application of the Savanna model. Abstract  PDF
L. Christensen, M.B. Coughenour, J.E. Ellis, Z. Chen
Vol 55, No 3 (May 2002) Do most livestock losses to poisonous plants result from "poor" range management? Abstract  PDF
J.L. Holechek
Vol 54, No 4 (July 2001) Alkaloids as anti-quality factors in plants on western U.S. rangelands. Abstract  PDF
J.A. Pfister, K.E. Panter, D.R. Gardner, B.L. Stegelmeier, M.H. Ralphs, R.J. Molyneux, S.T. Lee
Vol 48, No 6 (November 1995) Grazing effects on soil water in Alberta foothills fescue grasslands. Abstract  PDF
M.A. Naeth, D.S. Chanasyk
Vol 54, No 6 (November 2001) Suppression of annnual bromes impacts rangeland: animal responses. Abstract  PDF
M.R. Haferkamp, E.E. Grings, R.K. Heitschmidt, M.D. MacNeil, M.G. Karl
Vol 55, No 3 (May 2002) Irrigation impact on harvest efficiency in grazed Old World bluestem. Abstract  PDF
W.R. Teague, S.L. Dowhower
Vol 54, No 4 (July 2001) Herbivore response to anti-quality factors in forages. Abstract  PDF
K.L. Launchbaugh, F.D. Provenza, J.A. Pfister
Vol 57, No 2 (2004) Sheep gain and species diversity: in sandy grassland, Inner Mongolia Abstract  PDF
Ha-Lin Zhao, Sheng-Gong Li, Tong-Hui Zhang, Toshiya Ohkuro, Rui-Lian Zhou
1 - 25 of 500 Items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > >> 

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